Hellenic and Roman Library coronavirus update

UPDATE 6th APRIL: Senate House and the Library will be closed until early August.

In response to the COVID-19 situation, the University of London made the decision to close Senate House from 19th March. It is currently expected that the building will remain closed until early August. Consequently, the Hellenic and Roman Library will be closed until then.

The library will renew books over and above the usual renewals during this time, and will waive any fines incurred as a result of the current situation. Members are still welcome to email the librarians (iclass.enquiries@london.ac.uk) with queries, and they will do their best to supply anything which they have access to.

Unfortunately the scanning and postal loan service will not be available while the building is closed. However, the Library offers members remote access to JSTOR and the Loeb Classical Library. You will need your library card (including the barcode number) so if you don't yet have one, please email: iclass.enquiries@london.ac.uk . Library staff will continue to monitor and reply to emails during the closure, so please get in touch if you would like help accessing resources.

Instructions for accessing JSTOR/Loeb Classical Library can be found here: https://www.hellenicsociety.org.uk/membership/online-resources-for-members/

The librarians have compiled a guide to open access resources here: https://library.ics.sas.ac.uk/open-access-resources

Library website: https://library.ics.sas.ac.uk/

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